Classroom with row of desks

Center for Evaluation and Educational Leadership (CEEL)

Center for Evaluation and Educational Leadership

The mission of Center for Evaluation and Educational Leadership (CEEL) is to support district and building level leaders to lead, organize, and implement the most effective and equitable learning environments for students. As each school district and community is different, so are the resources educational leaders need to ensure student and educator success. Representatives from the Center for Evaluation and Educational Leadership will meet with school district leadership staff to develop and implement strategic plans that lead to educational success and ensure all student populations have access to high quality supports and services.

Welcome to the Center for Evaluation and Educational Leadership

Interior of classroom.

Who We Serve

Center for Evaluation and Educational Leadership serves district and building level leaders across the state of Kansas, providing an array of solutions and supports to ensure top-down success.
Professionals convening over a table

Annual Support Services

CEEL provides an annual membership service for school districts across the state, region, and country. Annual support includes both a customized in-depth support as well as an array of ongoing services for both district and building administrators.
Two women at a whiteboard

Customized Solutions for Leadership Teams

CEEL’s team of experienced school leaders, academic research staff, and University staff and faculty collaborate with districts to provide customized solutions for school leadership teams. With support ranging from strategic plans, to efficiency studies, to bond issue planning, CEEL partners with school leadership teams to provide resources that have a positive impact on student success.
A school building.

Resources and Upcoming Events

Access some important resources, view upcoming events, and sign up to receive our monthly leadership newsletter.

CEEL Supporters

Through a unique partnership between CEEL, The Southeast Kansas Education Service Center (Greenbush) and generous business partners holding a pre-bid contract in the state of Kansas, these businesses offer special support for schools by allowing us to provide deeply discounted serves to schools, proving free access for superintendents to attend the annual Summer Superintendent Summit, and providing direction professional learning opportunities for districts.